Serverless deployment with Deno Deploy

In this guide, we'll show you how to deploy serverless functions using Deno Deploy.

Creating the project

You can create a new Deno project with a single command.

npx create-nx-workspace@latest denoapp --preset=@nx/deno

Once the command is finished, you can cd into the workspace.

cd denoapp

To run the server, use nx serve and the server will start on http://localhost:8000. You can also run lint and tests with nx lint and nx test respectively.

For existing projects, see the next section, otherwise you can skip to deployment.

Configure existing projects

Skip this step if you are not configuring an existing project.

For existing workspaces, you will need to install the @nx/deno package.

npm i -D @nx/deno

Now, you can generate a Deno project.

nx g @nx/deno:app denoapp

You are now ready to deploy the project.

Deno Deploy

We will use Deno Deploy to host our serverless functions. First, you'll need to run the generator to set up your project.

nx g @nx/deno:setup-serverless --platform=deno-deploy

A new nx deploy target will be added to your project, but before you can run it there are a few set up steps.

  1. Push your repository to GitHub.
  2. Go to Deno dashboard and set up your Deno project. You need to authorize GitHub to allow access to your repositories, then you need to specify the main file (e.g. src/main.ts), and the production branch (e.g. main).
  3. Generate an access token from your account settings page. Copy the new token somewhere.
  4. Add an entry to the project's .env file: DENO_DEPLOY_TOKEN=<token-from-previous-step> (create this file if needed, and add it to .gitignore so you don't commit it)
  5. Install the deployctl CLI tool.

Once you are done the above steps, you can deploy and view your Deno app!

nx deploy

You can find the production URL from the Deno dashboard (e.g. Browsing to the production URL should return the default JSON message: { "message": "Hello denoapp" }.